March 14, 2017

What girls feel when they lose their virginity?

Image result for picture of school girls 

I am posting this not because I like it but I want who ever that is interested to share his/her views.
I can never encourage any girl to lose her virginity just because it would not change anything in her life.
Every woman should (that is if the person wants) keep to her virginity until she gets married.
If the writer is saying that when a woman is raped, that is not the end of her life, after all the woman didn’t bargain for it. 

Every girl wants her first tumble to be sweet and perfect; hence it’s important to wait for prince charming and also the perfect timing so you don’t end up in regrets.

These talk about sex changing you as a person is a big fallacy, having sex for the first time isn’t going to change the way you walk, talk, eat or your association with people.

Here are some other things that won't change when you lose your virginity.

Your body
Most girls have this wrong notion that the instant they lose their virginity their ‘down there’ turns to a big ditch “pardon my diction”. This is so not true! Your hymen gets broken after sex for the first time but other than that your body will remain the same.

Relationship status
Don’t be so naïve to think offering your virginity on a golden platter to a guy will make him date you or suddenly fall in love with you. If he’s not enamored with you then sex won’t tie him down. Read the full content here.

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