March 06, 2017

South Africa: Woman nominated as the new President of the court.

Judge Mandisa Maya – Chairperson  SA Land Reforms Commission 

President Jacob Zuma has formally nominated Supreme Court of Appeal Judge Mandisa Maya to become the new president of the court.

She was appointed as an acting judge of the High Court in 1999 and a full-time judge the following year. She has acted as a judge at the Labour Court, an acting judge in the Supreme Court of Appeal, and as an acting judge at the Constitutional Court,” the statement said.

“In 2006 she was appointed a judge of the Supreme Court of Appeal and in 2015 she was appointed as the first female deputy president of the Supreme Court of Appeal.”

She would take over from Judge Lex Mpati, who’s stepped down from the position.

If she is appointed to the post, she will become the first female president of the court.

my opinion 
hope she will give justice to women when she finally wins
ok, i wish her good luck and congrats in advance

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