March 15, 2017

84 year old woman died of bees’ sting


An elderly woman has died after being stung more than 500 times in a horrific attack by a swarm of deadly bees. 

The 84 year old Divina Ambrósio de Jesus, was collecting firewood by a lake near her home in Presidente Olegário, south east Brazil, when she disturbed a beehive hidden in bushes near the water’s edge.

Firefighters and police called to the scene found the elderly woman engulfed in the insects.

Rescuers set fire to a blanket creating clouds of smoke in the hope of calming down the bees and forcing them to leave the woman.

It took emergency workers half an hour before they could disperse the creatures and rescue the woman.

Photographs taken of the victim at the time, shows scores of the remnants of the stings littered on a sheet which she was laid on.

The mother of five died from her injuries a day later in hospital.

My Opinion
If I may ask, why did the children allowed her to go fetch firewood knowing that she has come of age.
There is need to provide a house mate for grandmothers especially when the children are no longer staying with them so that they can monitor their movement. At her age she is not suppose to be doing such work at all.

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