March 27, 2017

Meet the America's Oldest Working Nurse

nurse Florence Rigney(left)
91 year old Florence Rigney has worked as a nurse at Tacoma General Hospital for more than 70 years.

Known to friends, colleagues, and patients as "SeeSee," Rigney is believed to be the oldest working registered nurse in America.

"I have something to get up for in the morning," Rigney told NBC News. "And I do like to be able to interact with patients and give them what comfort and what help I can."

Her job at Tacoma General requires her to buzz about the surgical suite with the speed and dexterity of someone. see more pics below

Rigney sets up operating rooms to the specifications of the surgeon and the needs of the case, and helps prepare patients for surgery.

Colleagues consider her speed and dedication inspiring.

When Rigney started nursing, penicillin had just been introduced. The biggest change she is seen aside from the obvious medical innovations is the duration patient stays.

In the old days, she says, patients could stay for 10 days or longer after surgery. Now most go home in a day or two.


A video celebrating Rigney's 90th birthday went viral in 2015. At the time, Washington Governor Jay Inslee issued a proclamation congratulation the country's oldest working nurse. News stories followed and still two years later, "SeeSee" is a bit of a celebrity.
"When we have any new residents or new nurse students come in they always say, 'Is SeeSee working today? Can we see her, can we meet her?'" said nurse manager Cilje Kennedy.

Rigney says she cherishes decades of memories, including names of patients she cared for and thank-you mementos they've shared with her.

Her 92nd birthday is approaching in May, and while she has reduced her schedule to just two days a week, she admits she will eventually hang up her scrubs for good.
"I just feel very honored that they'll still let me work," she said.

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