March 16, 2017

Nigeria pushes for women’s property rights at UN

 Image result for pictures of nigerian women
Ngeria has led advocacy campaign for the promotion of women’s property rights in Africa, saying it is a panacea to achieving women economic empowerment in the continent.
The Senior Special Assistant to the President on Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), Princess Adejoke Orelope-Adefulire, hosted Africa’s women parliamentarians at a side event at the ongoing UN Commission on the Status of Women in NewYork.

Orelope-Adefulire regretted that women were still discriminated against in Africa in the area of rights to inherit property.

“Women are special; we should be celebrated everyday and there is no reason why our rights should be eroded.

“The laws that give rights to men, the same laws give rights to women. So we must come together to protect the rights of women in Africa,” she said. Read more here

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