March 07, 2017

Picture: Women sent on exile during their menstruation

These women were BANISHED from home, forced to sleep in cold because they are menstruating (photos, video)
 women on their periods are banished to a hut without walls and have to bear freezing temperatures
In a certain village at the heart of Surkhet District in western Nepal, women who are menstruating are expelled from their homes and forced to sleep in tiny huts with no walls.

In this village, it is a taboo for menstruating women to touch food, cattle or men. Therefore they have to be expelled from home. see more pictures below

Several women have forced to sleep in huts without walls and endure freezing cold in an extremely bizarre ritual
These women were BANISHED from home, forced to sleep in cold because they are menstruating (photos, video)
Nepalese women sit by the fire as they live in a chhaupadi hut during their menstruation period
The villagers here believe that women can bring bad omen when attending their periods, which is why the rituals are performed.

It is said that the deadly Hindu ritual is performed in order to keep the evil spirits at bay and prevent bad things from happening in the village.

The Hindus have allegedly been practising these extremely bizarre rituals for centuries and are evidently not about to stop despite criticisms and condemnations from human rights activists who think it’s barbaric and tantamount to gross violation of women’s rights.

 These women were BANISHED from home, forced to sleep in cold because they are menstruating (photos, video)
A number of women have since died as a result of the uncouth practice. 


my opinion
let the government look into the matter, this is inhuman and devilish. authorities should get  the people involve in the act and arrest them. 

are those people under government, if they are, the government should be able to stand up against the ill treatment being meted on women in that country

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