March 14, 2017

Nigeria: Man left a note after killing his girlfriend

NAF officer
pictured: kalu's letter (left) Kalu and her lover (right)
Nigerian air force officer, Lieutenant Kalu, who shot his lover dead over suspicion that she was cheating on him with another man has been found.

He left a note explaining his actions, adding that he would also kill himself after he kills his girlfriend. Kalu was arrested and detained at the air force base in Benue state nigeria.

Read the letter below

"It’s a privilege for me writing this note because it would be read by most of men."
It’s a love story of a guy falling in love with a wrong witch who pretended to be good in my eyes and in the eyes of my loving mother. Am a simple guy who never partake in name various (nefarious) activities. Most individuals say I have a future here it is. Am a guy who pull two rounds in a witch and one round to my f*cking body."
"For it is said he who kill by the sword shall die by it."
"Most idiot would insult me, yes! If I were to be in there shoes I would do the same likewise if they were to be in my shoe, they would even pull more than three rounds on the witch."
"Call me crazy lover who died for heartbreak."
AM 16/29024 ACM KALU BA

Meanwhile, the man, Sunday Akoji, who obtained Kalu’s note and shared it on social media has made his opinions on the matter known.

Akoji expressed that he hopes Kalu would by sentenced to death by firing squad for killing a fellow officer. 

He also wrote on social media how Kalu and his girl friend started their journey of love before the unimaginable happened. Read thefull story here

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