March 01, 2017

Nigerians express their support to end FGM

Nigerians express their support for a law to be passed to end FGM 

Female Genital Mutilation (FGM) has become a major point of concern to many people in Nigeria and other parts of the world. FGM is popularly known as female circumcision in Nigeria and it involves the complete or partial removal of the female genitalia for non-medical reasons.
Young girls are often subjected to a lifetime of torture when they are made to go through this nightmare.

A recent survey carried out by NOI polls revealed that many Nigerians are ready to support the legislation that will put an end to this mutilation. This decision of theirs supports the aim of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) that longs to get rid of harmful practices like early child marriage, female genital mutilation and forced marriage.

The United Nations General Assembly acknowledged ‘The Girl Child Resolution’ as a violation of the girlchild rights. Thousands of girls have been made to go through this ugly practice with a majority of them living in the sub-Saharan Africa and the Arab states.
In Africa, FGM is being practiced in 29 countries including Nigeria, Niger, Burkina Faso, Ghana, Guinea, Kenya, Sudan and so on.  revealed that In Nigeria, some states have high prevalence when it comes to FGM; states like Ondo, Kwara, Delta, Ebonyi, Niger, Adamawa, Cross River, Anambra and Enugu have received attention when it comes to this practi

There is a need for this practice to be eradicated completely in Nigeria. Majority of the people in Nigeria has condemned this practice while a few people support it.

It is disheartening to think that this act is still ongoing in African countries as there are grave consequences of carrying it out. FGM most times has obstetrics outcomes and instant consequences like excessive bleeding, infection and a psychological imbalance that may threaten life.

There are long term effects like sexual dysfunction, menstrual and fertility problems and difficulty with childbirth.

The latest poll conducted showed the attitude, knowledge, attitudes and perceptions of Nigerians to FGM. On this note, the awareness of the people to FGM and the knowledge of the imposed dangers were considered. The poll was also conducted across age, gender, geographical location, religious belief and cultural settings.

FGM is particularly prevalent in Moro, Ilorin-south, Ilorin-north in Kwara state and Akure-north and Akure-south in Ondo state. It should be noted that some of the respondents said the practice is quite prevalent in their locality.
The percentage of prevalence in the South-South is 54, 32 in the North-East, South-East and South West has 30 percent each.

The facts gathered revealed that those who support female circumcision stated their reason for supporting the practice.

The question is Will you support a legislation that will put an end to Female Circumcision in Nigeria?

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