February 28, 2017

Woman quit Twitter over the death of her son

Photo credit: Getty 

Lily Allen has quit Twitter after she received horrific abuse from trolls over the tragic death of her son.

Lily posted a series of tweets to highlight the prejudice shown towards immigrants and Muslims,  only to undergo an onslaught of awful tweets from trolls, blaming her for the death of her son, in response.

Lily shared a series of tweets replacing the words 'immigrants' and 'Muslims' with the word 'pensioners', to highlight how ludicrous huge generalisations can be. see the tweets below

In an unprovoked attack, Twitter trolls responded by saying Lily has mental health issues, to which she replied: "I DO have mental health issues. Bi-polar, post natal depression, and PTSD, does that make my opinion void."

Lily went on to describe that her PTSD was the result of losing her son six months into her pregnancy, who died whilst she was giving birth to him.
She wrote that she was "in a hospital bed with my deceased son stuck between my legs halfway out of my body for 10 hours".

A cruel user then replied: "Maybe if you didn't pump your body full of drugs you wouldn't have miscarried", to which Lily calmly and correctly wrote: "I didn't miscarry, I went into early labour and by son died from his chord wrapped round his neck."

Since, Lily has shared a tweet explaining that she's logging off Twitter for a while, writing: "My timeline is full of the most disgusting, sexist, misogynistic, racist s**t. Really, new levels. I'm no masochist so I'll be back."

.@Ged_2345 I DO have mental health issues.Bi-polar,post natal depression, and PTSD, does that make my opinion void.
 Lumix Trident @Lumix_Trident
@lilyallen @Ged_2345 Can I just ask, how did you get PTSD?
@Lumix_Trident @Ged_2345 when I lay in a hospital bed with my deceased son stuck between my legs halfway out of my body for 10 hours.
Lily @lilyallen
@Lumix_Trident @Ged_2345 when I lay in a hospital bed with my deceased son stuck between my legs halfway out of my body for 10 hours.
@lilyallen @Ged_2345 are you saying that a British hospital left you, with a dead baby 'stuck between your legs' for 10 hours? Liar!
Lily @lilyallen
.@Glveit6Glroud @Lumix_Trident @Ged_2345 I didn't miscarry ,I went into early labour and by son died from his chord wrapped round his neck.

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