February 08, 2017


A flight attendant working for Alaska Airlines has been praised after describing how her quick thinking allowed a young passenger to escape the clutches of a human trafficker.

49 year old Shelia Fedrick was working on a flight from Seattle to San Francisco in 2011 when she noticed a teenage girl, aged around 14, travelling with a well-dressed older man.
The girl had greasy blonde hair and, according to Fedrick, "looked like she had been through pure hell".

Sheila Frederick said she tried to speak to the pair - but the girl remained silent and the man responded defensively, she instructed the girl to visit one of the plane's toilets, where she left a note for her on the mirror. The girl left a message in the same place confirming that she needed help.

She informed the pilot, who alerted police. Officers were waiting at the terminal when the plane arrived in San Francisco and it was subsequently discovered that the girl was the victim of human trafficking.

Fedrick said: “I’ve been a flight attendant for 10 years and it’s like I am going all the way back to when I was in training.
"And I was like, I could have seen these young girls and young boys and didn’t even know. If you see something, say something.”

According to Fedrick, she is still in touch with the girl, who is now attending college.

my opinion 
i think the woman was very observant at least for being able to know the condition of the girl. what measures are the authorities using to identify human traffickers.?

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