February 06, 2017


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A mother in Zimbabwe, Pledged her 13-year-old maiden daughter to a self-proclaimed prophet as payment for spiritual services rendered to the family.

It was alleged that the lady’s family was being tormented by ‘tokoloshi spirit’ and the prophet, Madzibaba Jeremiah demanded a maiden daughter as payment to exorcise the spirit.

The court was told that, on January 13, that the mother of the girl and the prophet had an agreement, as they 
concluded that the woman would bring her 13-year-old daughter to the prophet, who would sleep with her and take her in as his wife.

according to the report, The girl under duress slept with the prophet without protect, as her mother waited outside as backup for Madzibaba. She waited outside so that if her child screams, she would act as an alibi and also convince the complainant to keep quiet. As fate would have it, a heroic act by the girl’s grandmother to report the crime at Tongogara police station led to the arrest of the two criminals.

Both the prophet and the girl’s mother have been sentenced to court.

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