February 08, 2017


Spanish nun sparks outrage with suggestion that Virgin Mary may have had sex 

A 51 year old Rev. Sister Lucia, who lives in a convent in Manresa, revealed that she didn’t really believe in one of the tenets of the Roman Catholic faith that Mary, mother of Jesus, was a virgin.

The nun who was born in Argentina before moving to a Catalan convent 26 years ago told Risto Mejideon on the Cuatro show Chester in Love. In her statement She said "I think that Mary was in love with Joseph and that they were a normal couple and the normal thing is to have sex,” "It’s hard to believe and to take in,” she added. "We’ve stuck with rules that we have invented without reaching the true message.”

The Bishop of Vic who issued a statement concerning the statement said that "in light of recent statements by a nun” he sought to remind those that the Catholic faith was clear on the subject of Mary’s virginity.
"The belief that Mary was a perpetual virgin forms part of the faith of Church from its beginnings and that this truth of faith was collected and proclaimed by the Second Council of Constantinople, being the primary Marian dogma observed by Catholic and Orthodox Christians."

Photo: Josep Lago/AFP


My Opinion
If Mary had sex with Joseph after giving birth to Christ, it is not a crime after all she was espoused to him. There is no need hiding it if really happened that way. I do not see anything wrong with what this Nun has said.

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