February 10, 2017


Kellyanne Conway, President Trump’s top counselor, during MSNBC interview 
Top White House adviser Kellyanne Conway has been counselled after she urged people to buy Ivanka Trump products during an interview on Fox News.

Ms Conway spoke on Fox News from the White House briefing room. She encouraged people to "go buy Ivanka's stuff".
She made the comments a day after President Trump attacked Nordstrom on Twitter for dropping his daughter's fashion line.

While Mr Trump himself is not subject to the standards of ethical conduct for federal employees, Ms Conway is.
Among the rules: An employee shall not use his or her office "for the endorsement of any product, service or enterprise".

House Oversight Chairman Jason Chaffetz said Ms Conway's promotion of Ivanka Trump's fashion brand was "wrong, wrong, wrong, clearly over the line, unacceptable".
The Republican congressman said the White House must refer the matter to the Office of Government Ethics for review.

He said he and Democratic Oversight Leader Elijah Cummings are writing a letter to the office and he will also write to President Donald Trump about the matter.

Press Association

MY opinion 
i think she did that because she works under Donald Trump knowing that such acts is likely to earn her promotion or something good. except it is against the law that she should not do such a thing, otherwise i don't see anything wrong with what she has done.

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