February 04, 2017


Georgina Onuoha
Nollywood Actress: Georgina Onuoha

 According to Naij.com, Georgina posted a video of herself in Ibadan with police ready to arrest journalist Kemi after she threatened them to come to Ibadan.

Georgina who also apologized to Nigerians for the woman’s behavior said: 
"To my fellow Nigerians, I use this medium to apologize to you all for the idiocy and stupidity of Kemi Ajoke Ashley Olunloyo AKA : P*ssy Investigative Journalist."
"She has been a nuisance and publicly assaulting Nigerians. She taught she could use the online media to bully people who have done nothing to her. She spreads false accusations and false information to the public. But I'm glad Nigerians have a better picture of the psychotic fellow they are dealing with. Don't ever turn your back to a bully. Stand Your ground..Face them squarely and watch them run. I'm thankful I have the resources to chase this demon to the pit of hell. Unfortunately she is in hiding.I know many will ask why I engaged her?"

My opinion
Why do some women take pleasure in tarnishing the image of their fellows. This drama started from Instagram, where both Georgina and Kemi were into social media battle, we never knew it would reach to this height. Well thank you Georgina for standing up for others.  at least we have learn't some lessons

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