February 14, 2017

Naked woman used to rob people on the road

A truck driver has taken the picture of a naked woman who parades on the road with the intention of robbing people. The woman is meant to distract the driver and passengers, while her accomplices lie in wait on the side of the road, hidden from view.

As soon as the driver stops to gawk at the woman, the accomplices pounce, robbing or hijacking the travellers.

According to him, the incident occurred on the N17 highway near Bloemfontein, but Arrive Alive says it is investigating possible similar incidents elsewhere in the country. The N17 Highway stretches from Johannesburg along the border of Swaziland and ends in Ermelo, Mpumalanga.

They posted two photos on Twitter over the weekend, warning motorists, especially long distance truckers, to keep an eye out for the naked bandit and her cohorts. The Twitter post reads: “New hijacking method on N17. Naked women trying to stop truck… colleagues on side of road running to truck door.”

Editor of the Arrive Alive website, Johan Jonck, confirms that the photos were posted on their site. “I can confirm that the post is true and that this is a new thing criminals are using to hijack motorists,” he says.

my opinion
why would some women sell their selves cheap all in the name of money. they allow men to use them for all sorts of dirty business in the name of making money. why wouldn't the men do it? they know that the woman would attract more people. 
very bad, women learn to be yourself.

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