February 28, 2017

Mom challenges women on Body Positivity

 (Photo: Facebook/Maria Kang) 

Maria Kang, aka “Hot Mom,” who once enraged the Internet by posting a chiseled bikini shot and challenging moms to whip their bodies into prepregnancy shape, is back in the spotlight: She’s calling out a fellow mom for sending women a muddled message about body positivity.

Kang posted to Facebook a split-screened photo of herself and Taryn Brumfitt, an Australian mother of three whose before-and-after pregnancy photos went viral after she confessed to preferring her postbaby curves to her prebaby six-pack abs. see more pictures below

Taryn Brumfitt (left), Maria Kang (right). (Photo: Maria Kang/Facebook)
Kang’s goal, she said, was to provide feedback to Brumfitt after recently watching her body-positive documentary Embrace. 

She wrote, “Taryn, you often retell your experience of competing in a fitness contest where you trained long hours, ate boring diet foods and spent little time with your kids. This triggered the popular ‘before and after’ shot in many of your posts (where you’ve gained weight in the latter).

I definitely think you had a bad coach and experienced all the wrong ways to properly diet and train — it doesn’t mean you should seemingly hate the health industry and condemn the people within it (like yours truly). In other words, don’t hate me, hate your coach.”

Kang also vented her frustration with comments Brumfitt made back in 2013: that in order to look like Kang, women would have to “sacrifice the things you love and selfishly and obsessively train and meal prep with little regard for your family.”

In response, Kang wrote: “I’m not going to stand here and pretend we are speaking from the same platform. We have similar but different views.”

In September 2013, Kang, posted the infamous photo kneeling among her sons, then ages 3, 2, and 8 months, labeled with the question, “What’s Your Excuse?” That post received almost 250K reactions, 23,000 shares, and a firestorm of debate — some called Kang an inspiration, others accused her of body-shaming moms.

Maria Kang (Photo: Maria Kang/Facebook)
In 2016, Kang published a book called The No More Excuses Diet. She also posted two new bikini shots to Instagram, writing, “I shot this in the afternoon after eating a donut….I didn’t exercise for 4 days prior and was tired after a day working and being with my kids….So here I am.” 
Taryn Brumfitt. (Photo: Taryn Brumfitt/Facebook)
Brumfitt’s message was softer. In 2013, the Australian ex-body builder posted photos of herself before and after the birth of her third child. In the before shot, Brumfitt is fit but miserable, obsessed with regaining her prebaby body; in the after shot, she’s heavier but happier. She posted the shots on Facebook, conveying the message that women can love their bodies at any size.

my opinion
if i may ask why do women choose to pose naked in a pictur? 

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