February 28, 2017

4 month baby with heart defect undergoes surgery


A 4-month-old Iranian girl with a rare heart condition who was affected by President Donald Trump's travel ban is "out of the woods" and making good progress after her life-saving surgery last Friday.
Fatemeh Reshad and her parents' plans to enter the United States with a travel visa for the infant's surgery were canceled last month after Trump's executive order on immigration and refugees from seven predominantly Muslim countries.

The girl and her parents arrived in Portland, the home of some of their relatives, a few days later after being granted a waiver the same day Trump's ban was temporarily blocked by a federal judge.

Reshad underwent surgery Feb. 17, a procedure her physicians say was more complicated given that it's typically performed within days or weeks, rather than months, after birth. The family's delayed arrival to the U.S. would not have necessarily been enough time to affect her condition, the girl's doctors said during a news conference Monday.

"Her heart function looks beautiful," said Dr. Laurie Armsby, associate professor and interim head of the hospital's Division of Pediatric Cardiology. "We're really pleased with how the surgery went and have a very strong sense at this point that she's going to recover fully and go on to lead a happy and healthy life."

Reshad's uncle, Samad Taghizadeh, a U.S. citizen who lives in Portland, stood alongside the girl's doctors, thanking U.S. Sen. Jeff Merkley, New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo and immigration attorneys for being instrumental in getting the waiver for the baby's family.
"In the beginning, I didn't have any hope for my family coming here," Taghizadeh said. "But I tried, and I was surprised how the people in the US have helped."

credit: Association Press

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