August 05, 2016

neighbour cuts off two legs from a dog

  Dog Gets Prosthetics After Owner's Neighbor Cut Off His Legs With a Sword: Nine-month-old Cola was brutally punished by his owner's next-door neighbor when the dog was caught chewing on the back of the man's shoes in Thailand.
 photo credit: CBS Interactive Inc.
Nine-month-old dog known as Cola was brutally punished by his owner's next-door neighbor when the dog was caught chewing on the back of the man’s shoes in Thailand.

The former owner of the dog wanted to pay the neighbor for damages but the man attacked the dog to the extent of cutting the dog’s two front legs.

A dog foundation in Thailand known as Soi Foundation was informed of the attack and they took the dog to a veterinary clinic, and paid all of the dog's expenses.

A custom-made Prosthetic legs was made for the dog from the clinic after his recovery.

According to the news, the neighbor who attacked the dog was charged under the Animal Welfare Act and sentenced to one month in prison

Co-Founder of the dog foundation Gill Dalley collected the dog from Bangkok and welcomed him into her home and the two instantly bonded as Dalley also uses prosthetics when she lost both of her legs while rescuing a dog in 2004.

The dog now lives with Dalley happily.

What do I say to this dog lucky you! When one door closes another one opens miraculously

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