August 10, 2016

man had sex with a teen girl three times a week

 Clive Royales leaving Manchester Minshull Street Crown Court
A 48 year old married man with two children picks a girl of 12 year old had sex with her in his car.
According to an online publication, the man would have sex with the girl up to three times a week. 

He used to pick the girl up from school during her lunch break
At the start of a trial at Manchester Minshull Street Crown Court a jury heard that the man convinced the young girl that he would take her away to Greece where they would live on a boat.

The girl who is now 30 years was aged 12 to 15 when the incidents allegedly occurred; her name has been withheld for legal reasons.

Minshull Street Crown Court heard that the man use to get her drunk at a sports match before kissing her at his home.
On one occasion he asked her if she was a virgin and kissed her.

It was learn during court hearing that they had sex on his desk at his engineering company Saw-Tech. "He told her that 'once they had done this there is no going back' and 'don't tell anyone what's gone on.' He also told  the girl to wear his wife's underwear.

He bought the girl a phone, and saved his number in it as 'Mr Floppy' so that no one would be able to identify him.

The girl reported the incidents to the police after she began suffering with anxiety, and felt that the root of the problem stemmed from the assaults.
In her statement she said: “I didn't feel like I'd been abused at the time. I tried to put it away and block it out."

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