August 24, 2016

A 25 years old man killed his friend’s daughter

Kidnap, murder victim Alayna Ertl in undated family photo: alaynaertl.jpg
the 5 year old child that was raped and killed
the 25 years old man who killed the innocent girl, he is a friend of the girl's Father
A man who was charged with kidnapping, sexually assaulting and killing a 5-year-old girl from central Minnesota - leaving her body submerged in a swamp and covered with debris.
Authorities say the 25-year-old Zachary Todd Anderson abducted Alayna Ertl early Saturday from her home in Watkins, about 70 miles northwest of Minneapolis.

The girl’s mother told authorities that she last saw her daughter at 2:30 a.m., when she carried her to her room after she fell asleep on the couch. The family discovered the girl was missing at about 8:30 a.m. Saturday. Authorities were called at about 10 a.m. and a statewide Amber Alert was issued.

According to the report, Anderson was a friend of the girl’s father. The two men played softball Friday night and went out with friends before heading to the Ertl home.

Officers found Anderson in knee-deep water in a swampy area, with cuts on his left wrist, he told investigators that the child was hidden in the swamp under debris. They searched the area and found her naked body submerged in the water and hidden under brush and other debris.

The man was charged in a Minnesota courtroom with multiple counts including murder, sexual assault, kidnapping and theft of a motor vehicle. 
His bail was set at $2 million, or $1 million with conditions.

From the autopsy carried out on the girl, it was found that the child was strangled. There was also evidence of blunt force trauma to her head and sexual assault. Officers call it an intentional and violent death.

A candlelight vigil was planned to honor the child.

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