May 04, 2016

Woman who cut a baby from the womb of a stranger gets 100 years in prison


A Colorado woman who cut a baby from the womb of a stranger was sentenced to 100 years in prison on Friday for the crime including the maximum penalties for attempted murder and unlawful termination of a pregnancy.
The 36 year old Dynel Lane is likely to die behind bars for the March 2015 attack on Michelle Wilkins, who was nearly eight months pregnant at the time.

Judge Maria Berkenkotter said the harshest sentences for the most serious charges were justified by the brutality of the attack, which she described as performing a cesarean with a kitchen knife.
During the trial, jurors found her guilty of attempting to kill Wilkins after luring her victim to her home with an ad for maternity clothes.
Lane’s attorneys did not dispute that she attacked Wilkins, but they argued there was no evidence it was a calculated murder attempt. They urged jurors to convict Lane of the lesser charge of attempted manslaughter.
Berkenkotter sentenced Lane to 48 years for attempted murder and 32 years for unlawful termination of a pregnancy. The remainder of her sentence was for assault charges in the attack.
Wilkins testified they chatted for about an hour before Lane hit, pushed and tried to choke her, then used two kitchen knives to cut the baby from her womb.
Wilkins during the hearing on Friday placed a large photograph of her dead baby who she named Aurora, on an easel next to the witness stand, said that she saw the hearing as a day in court for her daughter,
Lane’s mother apologized in court to Wilkins and her family, as did her father in a letter his wife read.
According the report, David Ridley, who lived with Lane and her two daughters, testified at trial that Lane claimed for more than a year that she was expecting a boy, whom they planned to name James. Ridley who narrated how he came home early from work that day to meet Lane for a doctor’s appointment, found a fetus in a bathtub and drove the child and Lane to a hospital in other to save her baby.
According to the news, Lane did not say anything to Ridley about Wilkins who was unconscious at her home. It was when Wilkins regained consciousness that she called police.
Woman why must you do this to your fellow, why did you betrayed her, for what and for what? Jealousy is very bad, because she was pregnant and you decided to destroy her. Women stop being jealous it does not pay at all.
source: yahoo news

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