May 11, 2016

Palestinian beautician was sentenced to prison over Facebook post

Majd Atwan,
Photo courtesy of Nidal Atwan
Majd Atwan, a makeup artist, who has a passion for bold hair colours and crystal enhanced manicures, was sentenced to 45 days in prison and a fine of 3,000 shekels ($800) by an Isreali Military court for praising a recent bus bombing in Jerusalem. According to the news, she posted a comment on her face book page which read “the news of 20 settlers injured is nice,” for which she was charged with incitement.

In response to the charges during her trial in Ofer military court, Majd said "Your occupation to our land does not need "incitement" for our People to revolt.. I am part of an occupied don't expect me to greet you with flowers instead of anger,"
Before Majd's arrest, the parents said they were aware of - but not alarmed by - their daughter's online presence.

Since her arrest, it has been hard on her, as she suffers from a number of health issues, including anaemia.
According to Majd's lawyer, Tareq Barghouti, he said that Israeli military had monitored his client for two months before arriving at her house to make the arrest.
Majd is one of nearly 150 Palestinians detained by Israeli forces over Facebook-related "incitement" since a wave of violence erupted in the region last October, according to prisoners' rights group Addameer. The numbers are a sharp increase from the 13 cases they documented in 2014.
Of those jailed in the past year, most were held in administrative detention without charge for three months and the maximum sentence for incitement is 10 years. 
A spokesperson for the Israeli army confirmed that 59 Palestinians had been found guilty of provocative statements made online and some Palestinian attackers, including Muhannad Halabi, have written threatening statements on social media before launching attacks against Israelis.

The Israeli military is now monitoring Palestinian internet pages, searching for expressions of intent or approval of harming Israelis.
The morning before Majd was arrested, she was driving with her mother to a grassy field near an Israeli settlemen . They spent the afternoon taking pictures of each other enjoying nature, posing next to trees and brush. 
Source: Al Jazeera

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