April 03, 2017

School Replaced Bathroom Mirrors with what Girls Actually Need to See

School Replaces Girls' Bathroom Mirrors With Positive Signs 

When Shannon Lob walked into a local high school's bathroom, she was amazed by what she saw.

Instead of mirrors hanging above the sinks, she only saw affirmations on colorful signs spread across the entire bathroom.

The powerful words didn't just brighten up the otherwise dingy room at Laguna Hills High but also served as powerful reminders to motivate these teen girls.

Each of the handwritten signs offers an encouraging message about their strength and self-worth.

If every high school girl was surrounded by these messages through out the day, each and everyday - "You are smart. You are loved. You are strong. You are enough. You deserve the best." - who knows what number of empowered young women would be roaming the halls. 

credit: popsugar

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