April 05, 2017

Building Saudi Ties is better than snipping from the sidelines says Theresa May

Theresa May, weclomed in Riyadh by Saudi Arabian crown prince Muhammad bin Nayef. 

Theresa May has said building a relationship with Saudi Arabia is better than “standing on the sidelines and sniping” amid criticism of her decision to visit the region on her first trip to explore trade ties after triggering article 50.

UK and Saudi foreign and trade ministers will have six-monthly strategic dialogues to lay the foundations for a post-Brexit trade deal, the prime minister said in Riyadh on Tuesday after bilateral meetings with meeting Saudi’s crown prince.

The guardian reports that, the emphasis on the UK-Saudi relationship has drawn sharp criticism from some MPs and human rights activists, who have been disappointed by May’s decision to make the country one of her first stops to explore new trading partnerships after the triggering of article 50 last week.

May told the BBC she was “concerned about the humanitarian situation” but did not criticise the Saudi campaign. “Yes, we will be raising the humanitarian issue,” she said. “We believe it is important that we recognise the threat that there is in terms of people’s lives. We will be supporting that through the aid and support that we give.

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