May 21, 2017

Woman Charged for Pointing Gun at a Teenager who she said raped her neighbor’s Dog


An Arkansas woman is facing a felony charge after pointing a gun at a teenage
boy who she says was sexually assaulting her neighbor’s dog. US NEWS Report

Kerrie Lenkerd told police in Centerton, a northwest Arkansas town, that she looked out a window and saw the teen with "the dog he raped last time."

"I got my gun out of my safe and went out my back door," Lenkerd told police, according to a court filing. "I told him to get on the f---ing ground and pointed my gun at him."

The boy, identified only as NM, 14 years old, in court documents, jumped over a fence and ran. As he fled, Lenkerd fired a shot into the grass "to scare him," she said.


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