May 12, 2017

Mother reunites with daughter after 52 years


50 years ago, as a young mother, Pavey said she was forced by her parents to give her child up. She's thought about her ever since.

"Every day I’ve prayed for her, and her birthday would come and go,” Pavey said. “I wanted her with me, and I prayed that she would have a good mother and father.”

Pavey went on to get married and had three children.
Her daughters, Donna Shaw and Deanna Bordelon, told KVUE they've wanted to meet their big sister as long as they can remember. 

"We just always felt like my mom was missing something,” Shaw said.
"I always wondered where she was, what she could be doing," Bordelon said.

They searched for her for years. Pavey even reverted back to her maiden name, hoping her long lost daughter would find her.

Finally, just last week, she did. Her daughter, Sharon Glidden, now 52, reached out to her on Facebook.

Glidden found out she was adopted only a few days ago after her adoptive parents died and she went in search of her family history.

A DNA test pointed her to Pavey.

The two spoke and decided to meet in Burnet.
“I can’t wait. Like I said, I feel like I’m in labor and can’t wait to put my hands on her,” Pavey said.
"I've been look forward to this day for 30 years,” Bordelon said.

To calm their nerves while they waited, the three looked at photos.
"And this is me,” said Pavey as she showed KVUE some of the photos from when she was younger.

Finally, after hours of anticipation and five decades of wondering, a mother was able to run to her daughter.

photo credit: KVUE

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