May 12, 2017

Mom shares her experience after being humiliated by the United Airlines attendant who Denied Her access to the Bathroom

During the recent trip, which departed from Houston, Texas, Mrs Nicole Harper, a got up to use the bathroom; however, a flight attendant told her to sit down.

According to Harper, the restroom was already occupied and people started getting up to move around. 

The mother has an overactive bladder and told the attendant that her need was urgent. However, at that moment, the plane experienced turbulence and the attendant “told me very rudely I was not allowed to get out of my seat,” she told KCTV5.

Report said that Harper then made a split-second decision. “Well, I’m going to need a cup then,” she said, adding, “I was thinking I was on ‘Candid Camera’ or being punked at this point.”

With her husband beside her, Harper filled two cups with urine and afterward, an attendant told her to empty the cups in the bathroom, that she would be reported, and that the pilot would meet with her after the flight.

Harper was also informed that her seat would need to be professionally cleaned. “She was basically reprimanding me and talking down to me through the aisle with other people listening,” she said. “There was just no customer service, no compassion.”

(Photo credit: KCTV)

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