May 10, 2017

Man weeps as his 10 years old step son ask him for adoption

Stepdad Weeps During 10-Year-Old's Adoption Proposal: 'It Would Bring Any Big Man Down': Ten-year-old Kalani Watson wanted stepdad Brandon Williamson to be his legal father. 

Kalani Watson was 2 years when Williamson began dating his mother. “We worked together,” Williamson told

“We would talk for hours. I knew Kalani was very important to her. So if I loved her, I had to love him too.”

And he did. Tentatively at first, and then with a fondness that deepened with time and shared memories.

when Kalani, now 10, stood at his birthday party over the weekend and nervously read from a piece of paper that fluttered in his hands, Williamson lowered his head.

“Brandon Craig Williamson, will you do me the biggest favor in the world? Will you adopt me?” Kalani asked.

Williamson wept. “It would bring any big man down,” Williamson said. He knew he was a goner as soon as his stepson popped the question. “I have a soft spot for family,” he said.

Brandon and Porsche Williamson are also expecting a baby boy, but in Brandon’s fatherly eyes, that only means he will have two sons instead of one.

 “I’ve been there for everything, practically,” Williamson said of their seven years together. “Him recognizing that, and wanting to have my last name, it meant the world to me.”

Brandon and Porsche were married in 2010.

Brandon whose dad died recently plans to visit his father grave to complete the adoption forms said:
“He was the first person to ever say to me, ‘that’s your son,’’’ Brandon said, his voice catching at the memory.
“So I plan to visit his grave,” he said, and complete the adoption forms. And tell his father about the amazing proposal he received from his boy.

picture credit: Provided by CBS Interactive Inc.

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