May 10, 2017

Teen shared her picture dressed in her prom dress with her dad who missed her prom picture, says his facial expression does not mean anything.

Lourdes Medrano dressed up for prom a second time, so her father could take pictures with her after missing the big event because of work.  
Prom is a monumental occasion for many high school students, but sometimes parents are not able to see their children off to the big dance because of work commitments.

One high school student went the extra mile so her father could take photos with her in her prom dress.

Lourdes Medrano, an 18-year-old student at Everett Alvarez High School in Salinas, Calif., shared a photo  posing in her prom dress for the second time and the reason is spreading the post like wildfire across the Twitterverse.

Medrano tells Yahoo Style that it was important for her to allow her father to see her prom look.

“Since my dad works 24/7 at times, he hasn’t been around for certain events and even though it may not seem like a big deal to others, it was important to me for him to see me ready in my prom outfit,” she says, also pointing out the fact that her father paid for her dress.

 Medrano says that the pair have a special bond. “I appreciate him more than he thinks,” she shares.
Medrano says that her father was thrilled by her gesture. “My dad was happy although his face may not really show it that’s just how he is in pictures,” she shares.

Other users on Twitter replied to her tweet with their own photos to show that their fathers have similar expressions when the camera is on them.
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