July 29, 2016

mother killed his son, claimed it was an accident

 women for what reason have you to kill the innocent boy. if you have issues with the father, what has the little boy got to do about it. let us stop being emotional each time things like relationship or marriage did  not work with a man. it not a do or die affair.
the innocent boy who was killed by the mother 
the mom who killed her son, she fake an accident to cover up
35 years old mother has pleaded guilty to poisoning her son by forcing him to swallow a dose of antihistamine and then set his body on fire.

The washing post reported that the woman was in a divorce and custody battle with her husband.

The woman whose name is Narges Shafeirad,  showed no emotion as prosecutors described how she killed her son  Daniel Dana,  put his body into her car and set fire to it  trying to simulate a car accident

Prosecutors said the child had sustained face injuries before he died, possibly caused by the mother forcing him to swallow the bottle of the poison.
Authorities said that Daniel could have suffered convulsions, blurred vision and vomiting before he died.

According to the report, Officers found the woman’s car in flames by the side of a highway and she was screaming outside the vehicle, she told them she had put containers of gasoline in the car in case she runs out of fuel, she lit a cigarette and accidentally set the car on fire, she said.
It was also reported that Authorities did not notice the child inside the vehicle because his body was covered in clothes and debris.

She pleaded guilty on Thursday to first-degree murder and faces 50 years in prison.
In a statement made by, Capt. Darren Francke of the Montgomery Police Department he said “When you look at the depravity, she murdered her son and attempted to cover it up, it’s awful”

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