July 21, 2016

Mother gave consent to her drug dealer to rape her child

April Corcoran (LEFT) alleged dealer, Shandell Willingham,(right)

Judge Leslie Ghiz of Ohio’s Hamilton County Pleas Court has sentenced April Corcoran to 51 years to life in prison on Tuesday. 

According a report, the 30year old woman, had pleaded guilty in June to raising money to feed her heroin addiction by giving out her 11-year-old daughter to her drug dealer.

The girl was being forced to have both vaginal, anal and oral sex with a 41-year-old man. 

According to a report from WLWT TV, because her drug dealer preferred children younger than 11, the mother dressed her up to look even younger. “Little did we know, I guess, her drug dealer had a propensity to film little kids when they are performing sexual acts on him,” Assistant Hamilton County Prosecutor Katie Pridemore said at the time of the plea. “She didn’t have the means or the cash to buy her heroin anymore from her drug dealer,” said Pridemore. “….So she offered up her child in return.”

The alleged dealer, Shandell Willingham, was also charged and is awaiting a hearing.

It was learnt during court hearing, that sometimes the woman would give a little bit of heroin to her daughter who doesn’t want to take it and the girl would vomit each time she was given the heroin.
This happened between February and June 2014.

The girl, who is now 13 years old, is living out of state with her father and stepmother. She is taking medication is undergoing medical care.

The news did not surprise locals in the rural area of Ohio where Corcoran lived, the paper reported at the time of her arrest. things like this happen a lot down here,” resident Keith Benson said. “Probably not to this degree, but there’s constantly being reports of animal abuse and fights breaking out around. It’s a little bit surprising but not entirely unexpected.”

this is indeed inhuman. mothers what for would you offer your daughter to raped in the name of drug taking. i pray this poor girl would gain confidence to live her normal life again

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