July 01, 2016

The woman that believes in herself dream

Tatsiana Khvitsko

courtsey: instagram
Tatsiana Khvitsko was born in 1990 in belaurs. Her legs were not fully developed due to radiation from nuclear power plant explosion.

Being ambitious about her dream, she had always wanted to run but could not because the cost of getting running blades was high. see more pics below

In her statement she expressed what that it was never easy for her growing up,
"Being the only one that has prostheses around your family and friends was always hard. I always did my very best of hiding my prostheses by wearing long pants or long dresses and skirts – it was my way of protecting myself from pity, but also protecting myself from all of the staring."
Khvitsko in carrier as a runner
At the age of 21, Khvitsko was invited to Florida to meet with skilled prosthetists.

She described how she felt the day that she received her first set of running legs which had help her to run.
According to her, running made her gain confident and proud of whom she is. She is no more afraid to show off her legs and she has met so many people that have changed her life.

Despite the injuries she normally sustain while running, it does not stop her love for the sport. She runs five days a week, and her desire is to run a marathon in five and half hours.

That is so courageous, keep it up my woman

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