September 10, 2016

What to avoid when searching for a job

Searching for a first time job or changing jobs is usually an unpalatable experience for a lot of people because of the likelihood of frustration and depression that comes with it.
 Image result for picture of someone searching for job

The smart thing to do is to ask for advice to make the experience less depressing but mistakes still occur with careful planning and having the right connections. It is important you make the right impression when hunting for a job. shares some the five mistakes to avoid whether you are new at searching for a job or you just want a job change. (read the full article from the link)

Begging For A Job
Even in desperation, it’s not recommended for you to beg for a job. The employer already knows you need one since you sent a résumé to them. If you also attended an interview, it already shows you’re interested in the job they have to offer.

Instead of begging, focus on what you can do for employers instead of putting your mind on what they have to offer you. The minute they decide they are giving you the job, you can go on to tell them the terms with which you intend to work with them.
The first thing to do is to get the job and decide later on if you will stay or not. More so, if you come off as desperate, chances are they will offer you a lower salary than they would have if you’re not.

Not Having Focus
Searching for a new job can help you think about changing your career. There’s a possibility that your old job or what you studied in school is not something that you actually want and if you desire to do something different, your job search period is the right time.

As such, it is important you set your goals and go for it. Being successful at a job is mostly dependent on you loving what you do. And human resource personnel know this. You should however avoid setting vague goals because if you’re lacking in focus, there’s a chance that you won’t be interested in anything available except to get on the payroll of available companies. Separate the things that you should have and those you would love to have.

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