September 05, 2016

35 people died from road crash inferno

At least 35 people were killed early September 4, 2016, when a passenger bus struck a fuel tanker in a head-on collision in Afghanistan's southern province of Zabul
At least 35 people were killed when a passenger bus struck a fuel tanker in a head-on collision in Afghanistan's southern province of Zabul (AFP Photo/Fidha Hussain)
About 35 people were killed on Sunday September 4, 2016 when a bus collided with a fuel tanker and burst into flames in southern Afghanistan.

According to the news Many of the victims, including women and children, were burned beyond recognition in the accident in Zabul province, one of the areas worst hit by the Taliban insurgency.

"The passenger bus was on its way from Kandahar to Kabul when it collided with a fuel tanker in Jildak area of Zabul," provincial governor Bismillah Afghanmal told AFP.

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