September 13, 2016

The last moment of Vetrano before she was murdered

In the video, obtained by Crime Watch Daily, A 30-year-old woman had been strangled and possibly sexually assaulted the report said.

 Karina Vetrano seen jogging before her Aug. 2 murder in video obtained by Crime Watch Daily: 1avetrano2.jpg
 Vetrano was jogging on a street that borders the Queens Park near her home when she was attacked.

According to CBS New York, Police Commissioner Bill Bratton said the video was released with the approval of Vetrano’s family.
“It was provided as part of an effort, along with the rewards, to try and find out what happened on that day,”  “I think we have done all that we can to try and keep that story alive in the public mind and consciousness because it spread such fear through the city.” Bratton said

Last month, police released a sketch of a man who was seen in the area. Investigators also reportedly uncovered DNA they believe is the killer’s on the woman’s neck, her cellphone, and from underneath her fingernails, the station reports, but so far, they haven’t matched it.

A GOFUNDME account set up by Vetrano’s family has raised more than $270,000, while a$35,000 reward for information is being offered.

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