October 30, 2017

Selena Gomez's family said they will not accept Selena Gomez back for hanging with Justin Bieber


Selena Gomez and Justin Bieber who broke up years ago are now in regular contact, and her family members are far from happy about it.

A member of Selena's family disclosed to TMZ that many of them have never forgiven Justin for what they claim was extremely bad conduct during their long on-again-off-again relationship.

One family member says: "Justin is a vile human and will never be accepted by us. As long as she is even speaking to him in any way, it is not only disrespectful to everyone around her, it is disrespectful to herself."

Selena went to rehab for depression and her family believe it was because of the way Justin treated her that put her in that condition. On her part, Selena doesn't seem to share her family's sentiments because she's already been seen with Justin three times in the past one week. 

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