October 30, 2017

Parents Say They'll Sue their daughter If She Sells Her Story or does a reality with OJ Simpson


In a new interview, Casey Anthony‘s parents revealed they would sue their daughter if she sold her story or appeared on a reality show with OJ Simpson.
“Oh god. If it came down to that, I would [sue],” Cindy Anthony told Hansen, according to Fox News.

The Sentinel also reported that the family said they would sue Casey if she sold her story apart from the reality show.

As previously reported, in the same interview Cindy said that she thinks “Casey is mentally ill.” Cindy also claimed that her 31-year-old daughter suffers from seizures and doesn’t always know it.
When Hanson asked the Anthony’s to send a message to their daughter, Cindy added, “Casey, be true to yourself, start being honest with yourself, and own everything. Quit putting blame on everybody else.”

The relationship between the Anthony family is fractured. George has had no relationship with his infamous daughter since her defense team accused him of molesting Casey. He denied the claims during his testimony. Cindy has had limited contact with her daughter since she was acquitted of killing her daughter Caylee in 2011.

Casey is now living in south Florida with one of her private investigators. In an Associated Press interview earlier this year, she said, “I don’t give a s— about what anyone thinks about me, I never will. I’m okay with myself, I sleep pretty good at night.”


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