September 21, 2017

Woman posted a photo of herself on the Amazon River to Twitter just days before she was slain by robbers.

Kayaker Emma Kelty posted a photo of herself on the Amazon River to Twitter just days before she was slain by robbers.Kayaker Emma Kelty posted a photo of herself on the Amazon River to Twitter just days before she was slain by robbers.

 British woman dies in Amazon days after posting fears of being murdered

Emma Kelty received a dire warning as she kayaked solo down the Amazon River.
“I will have my boat stolen and I will be killed too,” Kelty wrote Sept. 10 on Facebook about an upcoming part of her journey. “Nice.”

It’s not clear from the post who issued the warning, but Kelty, determined to complete her journey down the Amazon to the Atlantic Ocean, continued downriver.
Three days later, she was dead.

Kelty, 43, had quit her job as head of a school in England in 2014 to travel. She had earlier skied solo to the South Pole and hiked 2,600 miles alone across the United States.
Her latest goal had been to kayak solo down the Amazon River from its source in the Peruvian Andes to the Atlantic Ocean.

Kelty documented her journey on Facebook, including what turned out to be her final days alone on the Amazon.

After posting the alarming warning she had received Sept. 10, Kelty posted, “Am in the clear. All ok,” two days later.

But a short time later she posted, “Today started fighting my paddling way through 20km of storms!!! Got through town no problem and just took a sigh of relief .... and then.... Turned corner and found 50 guys in motor boats with arrows!!! My face mist have been a picture!! (Town was uber quiet... too quiet!!) all good.”

A few minutes later she amended, “Ok 30 guys .... but either way... that’s a lot of folks in one area in boats with arrow and rifles.”

In her next-to-last post on Sept. 13, Kelty wrote that she met three “lovely” locals and slept with two kittens next to her tent.

Her final post, also on Sept. 13, reads, “At 1am such a dramatic change in one day.... but such is the river .... every Km is different and just because 1 area is bad doesn’t mean next is.”

Kelty triggered a distress signal later that day, reports The Guardian. Brazilian authorities said a band of seven people approached her camp on an island near the town of Lauro Sodre, stole her belongings and shot her twice with a shotgun. They dumped her body in the river.

Police arrested three people and are searching for the other four, the newspaper says. A 17-year-old among those arrested told authorities Kelty had been robbed and murdered. Searchers also are looking for her body in the river.
The chief of the Amazonas state police said the robbers had tried to sell her two cell phones, GoPro camera and a tablet computer, reports the BBC.

Friends posted tributes to Kelty on her Facebook page. Chris Hall wrote, “What an amazing lady .... she had adventures that no normal human being would have.”


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