November 08, 2016


 <p>It's not uncommon for people to joke/threaten about leaving the U.S. if the "wrong" person becomes president. But Donald Trump has Hollywood in such a froth that loads of celebrities are now talking about pulling up stakes. Here's a small collection of them, ranging from silly jokes to serious plans.</p> 
It is not uncommon for people to joke/threaten about leaving the U.S. if the "wrong" person becomes president. Here are collection of them, ranging from silly jokes to serious plans.
see their pictures below. 13 photos credit: Getty

<p>Lena Dunham has been one of the most active celebrity Clinton supporters out there, but she says <a href="">she'll move to Canada</a> if Trump wins: "I know a lovely place in Vancouver, and I can get my work done from there."</p>
Lena Dunham has been one of the most active celebrity Clinton supporters out there, but she says she'll move to Canada if Trump wins: "she said she can get her work done from there."
<p>While promoting "The Hateful Eight," <a href="">Samuel L. Jackson</a> <a href="">told Jimmy Kimmel</a> that in the wake of a Trump victory he would "move my black ass to South Africa."</p>
While promoting "The Hateful Eight," Samuel L. Jackson told Jimmy Kimmel that in the wake of a Trump victory he would move to South Africa."
<p>Even before Trump officially got nominated, she promised on The View that <a href="">she would leave</a> for Canada if any Republican got elected: "I literally bought my ticket, I swear."</p>
Even before Trump officially got nominated, she promised on The View that she would leave for Canada if any Republican got elected. she even swore she has bought her ticket

<p>Enjoy this gallery?</p>
Trump's Super Tuesday victory in the primaries left Miley Cyrus distraught. She hasn't said where she'll go, but promised on Instagram that "I am moving if this is my president! I don't say things I don't mean!" photo credit: the wrap 
<p><a href="">Cher</a> has a history of feuding with Trump even before he announced his candidacy and has been often asked about what she thinks about his attempts to become President. <a href="">Cher</a> <a href="">tweeted </a>that if he wins she will "move to Jupiter."</p>
Cher has been often asked about what she thinks about Donald Trump  attempts to become President. Cher tweeted that if he wins she will "move to Jupiter."
<p>If <a href="">Cher</a> does get a SpaceX flight to another planet, she might have <a href="">Jon Stewart</a> as her window-seat buddy, as he joked to People Magazine that he “would consider getting in a rocket and going to another planet, because clearly this planet’s gone bonkers.”</p>
 Jon Stewart told People Magazine that he “would consider getting in a rocket and going to another planet, because clearly this planet’s gone bonkers.”
<p>Natasha Lyonne might not leave the country, but when <a href="">asked by Starz</a> where she might go, she said she might check herself into a mental hospital.</p>
Natasha Lyonne might not leave the country, but when asked by Starz where she might go, she said she might check herself into a mental hospital.
<p>George Lopez told <a href="">TMZ </a>that he would move south of the border if Trump won, and that other Latinos would come with him: "If he wins, he won't have to worry about immigration; we'll all go back."</p>
George Lopez told TMZ that he would move south of the border if Trump won, and that other Latinos would come with him: "If he wins, he won't have to worry about immigration; we'll all go back."
<p>Al Sharpton <a href="">said in February</a> that he had "reserved his ticket" to leave if Trump won and that he would support anyone necessary to beat him.</p>
Al Sharpton said in February that he had "reserved his ticket" to leave if Trump won and that he would support anyone necessary to beat him.
<p>"House of Cards" star Neve Campbell is a natural-born Canadian citizen, so for her moving to another country is easy, and she's said she's <a href="">ready to do it.</a></p>
"House of Cards" star Neve Campbell is a natural-born Canadian citizen, so for her moving to another country is easy, and she's said she's ready to do it.
<p>Chelsea Handler told <a href="">Kelly Ripa</a> on "Live!" that her plans to move aren't just words. She has already bought a house in Spain and is ready to go if necessary.</p>
Chelsea Handler told Kelly Ripa on "Live!" that her plans to move aren't just words. She has already bought a house in Spain and is ready to go if necessary.
<p>Barbra Streisand has been hitting the campaign trail hard for Hillary, but she too is ready to abandon ship if her campaign fails. She said she would decide between moving to Australia and Canada if Trump takes office.</p>
Barbra Streisand has been hitting the campaign trail hard for Hillary, but she too is ready to abandon ship if her campaign fails. She said she would decide between moving to Australia and Canada if Trump wins
<p>In the final days of the campaign, <a href="">Bryan Cranston</a> added his name to the exodus list: "I would definitely move. ... It's not real to me that that would happen. I hope to God it won't."</p>
In the final days of the campaign, Bryan Cranston added his name to the exodus list: "I would definitely move. ... It's not real to me that that would happen. I hope to God it won't."
<p>But some threats to leave America are a bit more tongue-in-cheek. Take Spike Lee, who vowed to respond to a Trump victory by "moving back to the republic of Brooklyn."</p>
photo Getty: Spike Lee, vowed to respond to a Trump victory by "moving back to the republic of Brooklyn."  

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