December 29, 2016


Friends launched a frenzied search for the actress after she missed a flight on Monday
Tricia McCauley,
A Maryland man has been charged with first-degree murder in the death of a Washington, D.C., actress and yoga teacher who went missing on Christmas.

The 46 year old Tricia McCauley, who was found dead in her car Monday, was strangled by a ligature and suffered blunt force trauma, the Metropolitan Police Department said Tuesday in a news release.


A 5-month-old girl may have been left alone for as many as four days  starving and dehydrated  before dying, after her parents fatally overdosed on heroin nearly two weeks ago, PEOPLE confirms.

According to police, the small body of Summer Chambers was found Thursday inside a bassinet in the upstairs bedroom of a Johnstown, Pennsylvania, home, the remains of her 19-year-old mother, Chelsea Cardaro, were found in a neighboring bathroom while her father, Jason Chambers, 27, was found lifeless on the first floor.


Teen Spends Entire Paycheck on Family in Need 
A 16-year-old girl made one family’s Christmas extra special this year after spending her paycheck on gifts for a mom and her four boys in need.
Abby Meehan was working a double shift at her cashier's job at Baesler’s Market on Christmas Eve when she learned that customer Cory Swetland was unable to afford to buy presents for her children.

The 39 year old Swetland, had been shopping for last-minute food items with her son Jacob, 10, and met Abby on the checkout line.


 Monique Hawkins decided to apply for UK citizenship because she feared her rights would be diminished after Britain leaves the EU.

A Dutch woman who has lived in the UK for 24 years, and has two children with her British husband, has been told by the Home Office that she should make arrangements to leave the country after she applied for citizenship after the EU referendum.
The story of Monique Hawkins highlights the practical difficulties faced by millions of EU citizens concerned that they will not have the right to stay in Britain post-Brexit.

Hawkins had considered applying for citizenship before but decided not to as it did not confer any rights beyond her current EU rights. However, after the referendum she changed her mind, fearful that those rights would be diminished after Britain leaves the EU.

November 29, 2016

Baby ejected after car crash lands 30 feet away unharmed

As Capt. Charles Smith and his crew were on their way to a serious crash, a 911 dispatcher told them that people had been ejected from a car. Minutes later, they learned that one of those people was a baby.

Traffic on eastbound Interstate 30 in Texarkana was heavy when the fire truck arrived, so Smith and one other firefighter got out and ran toward the crash, which happened around 7 p.m. Friday. The driver’s side of a four-door car, which was clipped by an 18-wheeler as it was changing lanes, was mangled.

November 21, 2016

Syria: heavy airstrike killed lives in Eastern Allepo

A wounded child is rescued by a White Helmets volunteer after airstrikes on eastern Aleppo Friday.  
Syrian regime forces pounded eastern Aleppo with airstrikes for a sixth straight day Sunday, bringing the death toll to almost 300 in the most intense bombing since the war began five years ago, rescuers say.
Among the latest reported violence: a suspected chemical attack that killed four children and their parents. Two activist groups -- the UK-based Syrian Observatory for Human rights and Aleppo Media Center -- said a barrage of barrel bombs struck their neighborhood, al-Sakhour.
The Syrian regime resumed heavy bombardment over eastern Aleppo on Tuesday after a three-week lull, killing at least 289 people by Saturday, according to the Syrian Civil Defense, also known as White Helmets.

UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon condemned the assault and "indiscriminate shelling" for killing and maiming scores of civilians, including children, and for leaving eastern Aleppo without a functioning hospital.
"The secretary-general reminds all parties to the conflict that targeting civilians and civilian infrastructure is a war crime," the statement said. "Those responsible for these and other atrocities in Syria, whoever and wherever they are, must one day be brought to account."

Lady Gaga Goes Barefoot in 2016 American Music Awards'

lady gaga goes barefoot during her performance

The 2016 American Music Awards aired on Sunday night, with Jay Pharoah and Gigi Hadid at the helm. The two, who made a surprisingly funny pair of hosts, guided the performance-filled evening like pros, but not everything could go according to plan.